15 NOVEMBER 1963, page 8

Cub-hunting Notes From A Report In Last Week's Isis Of

a discus- sion held by the Oxford University Labour Study Group on Secondary Education: If public schools are not outstandingly better academically than most state grammar......

The Pitfalls . . .

For reasons so nearly feudal that they would make a Fabian sick, I am, and have been for years, in charge of the British Legion parade in our village on Remembrance Day. No......

Ace Newshawk Probes Drama

Curiosity about the Spectator's domestic affairs kept the telephone at No. 99 Gower Street ringing pretty continuously last week. Of all the inquiries received, the staunch lady......

Notebook A Spectator's


Letter Of The Law

Efficiency or Human Rights? By R. A. CLINE I T would be a pity if the recent speech by Lord Shawcross on the rights of persons in custody resulted in no more than a short-lived......

Aspects Of Idolatry

The views on the Beatles of anyone as closely identified as I am with the avant-garde of con- temporary thought and fashion are, I should suppose, bound to command respect. 1......

. . . Of Poppy Day Another Problem Is What

collective noun to use when calling the parade up; for a noun in the vocative case is an essential component of all drill orders. 'Legion I' sounds as if we were a lot of damned......