15 NOVEMBER 1963, page 16

Sut,—as I Do My Sixteen Hours A Week Of Economics

tutorials I am a little astonished to find Mr. Strick- land calling me a lecturer in education. I am not, and never have been, Why Mr. Strickland should think so few people......

D Utch Treat

This is a company which has no neon-lit stars, is about twenty-four dancers strong, all of them well trained, with a clear, modest style and no mannerisms, impressive equally in......

The Split Society

SIR, —Mr. Davenport's strictures on the two nations seemed to me to be most relevant to the corre- spondence on the Robbins Report which followed them in your issue of November......

Afterthought On Homosexuals Sir,—i Suppose It Is No Good...

a protest against your contributor Alan Brien's article in your issue of October 25 to have much effect upon Spectator policy in excusing, or dealing sympathe- tically with, the......


In David Cairns's review last week it was wrongly stated that Francis Toye's Verdi is now available as a paperback. The book is published in hard back by Gollancz at 25s.......

Still British

SIR,—In his very interesting article on the City of London, Paul Ferris mentioned our journeyman tailors. Unfortunately this was misprinted as 'German' tailors. Whilst I would......

The Battle Of The Nile

SIR,-1 am anxious to trace the whereabouts of an eighteenth-century sketchbook containing drawings of the Battle of the Nile, and should be grateful for a little space in the......

Arrestees' Children

SIR,—Last Christmas many messages of support were sent through us to house-arrestees in South Africa. Hundreds of political leaders are held without trial in South Africa's......

The Arts His Master's Voice

The Servant. (Warner; 'X' certificate.)—Two- faced Woman. (Empire; 'A' certificate.) . The main, ostensible theme of The Servant i:; the relationship between two men, who to......