The Position Of Affairs In China Is A Little Clearer,
but not mach. According to the best accounts, which, however, are not official, Great Britain and Germany having rejected the Russian advice to leave Pekin, the Powers have......
The South African War News Of T He Week Has
not been important. General Buller has been pushing on steadily, as has also General French, and both have made considerable captures of stores, prisoners, and ammunition, but,......
On Wednesday A Blue-book Was Published Containing The...
to the treatment of the British prisoners of war at Pretoria by the Boers. Lord Roberts in a covering despatch severely criticises the treatment of the non-commissioned officers......
No Hint, However Remote, Has Yet Been Given Of The
terms the Powers will ask or the Chinese concede. It is assumed that an immense indemnity will be promised as compensation for the insult to the Legations, for the slaughter of......
News Of The Week.
T HE most important event of the week has been the flight of Mr. Kruger from the Transvaal into Portuguese territory. Mr. Kruger and his suite arrived at Lourenco Marques on......
It Is Said That Mr. Kruger Will Go First To
Amsterdam, and will then make a tour of the European Courts trying to induce them to intervene in his favour. Needless to say, his mission will be as great a failure as that of......
* ,,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......