The Times On Wednesday Published A Long Telegram From Its
correspondent in Pekin intended to give a bird's-eye view of the situation. Dr. Morrison, who has often shown himself specially well informed, and who shared in the hardships......
The Quarrel Between Roumania And Bulgaria Becomes More...
envenomed. Two of the Bulgarians under trial for murdering a Professor in Bucharest now confess that the President of the Macedonian Committee in Sofia gave them distinct orders......
During The Past Week The Belief Has Been Rapidly Gaining
ground that the Dissolution will take place within a very short time. It is even said that the necessary formalities will be carried out at the Council which is to be held at......
Texas Has Suffered From A Great Calamity. A Cyclone...
at eighty-four miles an hour burst upon Galveston, its principal port, last Saturday, and drove a vast wave of water upon the town, which, as has often been pointed out, lies......
As Usual In Such Sudden Catastrophes, Society Seemed...
well as the place. Friends fought each other for a drink of water. The lowest class, and especially the negro labourers, betook themselves to whisky, and soon, maddened with the......
The Government Of Austria Has At Last Been Wearied Out
by the conflict between the German and Slav elements in Parliament. Obstruction has gone so far that nothing is ever done, and that the Deputies can hardly be restrained from......
No Hint, However Remote, Has Yet Been Given Of The
terms the Powers will ask or the Chinese concede. It is assumed that an immense indemnity will be promised as compensation for the insult to the Legations, for the slaughter of......
A Movement Of Some Importance Is Going On Among The
French clergy. The younger men, it is said, are anxious to support the present Government and the Republic, and as two, at least, of the prelates, the Archbishops of Bourges and......