Referendum In Gibraltar
Sir: It is hoped that the referendum in Gibraltar will inaugurate a new era in international relations. Whenever there is an international dispute concern- ing land (and this......
The Other Telly
Sir: As a non-consumptive means of passive re- laxation, may I recommend to Mr Adrian that he services himself, for free, with the International Sub- scriber Dialling number 010......
Danger : People
Sir: It is a pity that Michael Watts's exposition of the problems presented by our increasing popu- lation (8 September) is marred by his failure to produce practicable answers.......
Letting Off Steam
Sir: 1 agree with what R. A. Cline has to say (1 September) and hive always felt that the appro- priate tribunal for planning appeals is the local county court. The judges and......
Queen's Move
Sir: I am glad Mr Pendlebury (Letters. I Septem- ber) shares my views about the 'Queen Mary' and the 'Aquitania.' I didn't mention the 'Mauretania' mainly for reasons of space.......
HUGH ROSS WILLIAMSON Christians believe that the world had a begin- ning and will have an end. This apparently obvious statement is not as simple as it seems, for the belief......