News Of Tiie Week.
THE Tories seem determined to consume Her Majesty's Govern- ]. ment as one eats crabs, a claw at a time. Having forced Mr. Stansfeld to resign, they on Tuesday night made an......
A Growing Vice Of Our Parliamentary System, The Absence Of
young men who can and will take office, has been strongly illus- trated this week. Lord Palmerston wanted, of course, to fill Mr. Stansfeld's post by some one from the same......
Lord Clarendon Has Been Despatched To Paris To See If
the two Governments cannot resolve upon some course of action with respect to Denmark. Lord Clarendon is personally acceptable at the Tuileries, and though he dislikes a free......
The Lord Chancellor Has Introduced A Bill Into The House
of Lords to annex a canonry to the Regius Professorship of Greek at Oxford, which his Lordship hopes with charming frankness will be received by the University " in the same......
On Monday Night The Danish Subject Was Resumed In The
House of Lords, on occasion of a motion of Lord Campbell's, " drawn " in part by Lord Grey, that a firmer policy in demanding mediation as the means of settling the......
On Friday Week A Conversation Of Some Importance Took Place
on the Danish question. Sir H. Verney asked whether Schleswig and Holstein would be represented in the Conference, and Lord Palmerston answered, amidst general laughter, that......
General Garibaldi Arrived In London On Monday, And Was Wel-
comed by a concourse of people as large as that which witnessed the entrance of the Princess of Wales. The enthusiasm mani- fested was extreme, and as there were no soldiers......