What A Pleasing Acquaintance The Mayor Of Carlisle Must Be
! What a charm it must lend to life in that dull town to have at its head a man in whose presence gravity is impossible ! The Mayor, Mr. Caleb Hodgson, has been asked, it......
The Editor Of The- Berlin Volks Zeitung Has Just Received
the honour of a public dinner on occasion of the last of a series of 5,000 " leaders" which he has written for that journal on 5,000 successive days, a feat which appears to be......
The Emperor Of Mexico Has At Last Left Miramar For
Rome en route to his new dominions. Up to the last moment there was a hitch, and the bulletins recorded that he had a fever, but he is gone at last. He made a speech to the......
The Prospectus Of A New Financial Company, Under The Title
of the East India Financial Association, has appeared during the week. The capital is 1,000,0001., in 501. shares, of which it is not intended to call up more than 201. per......
The Breach Between Napoleon And The Papacy Seems To Be
widening. Under the French concordat, no Papal Bull has any validity in France without the consent of the State ; but Cardinal Bonald, Archbishop of Lyons, has not only......
The Liberal Members Generally Occupied Themselves On...
and the Chancellor of the Exchequer was com- pelled therefore to send his Bill on Annuities to a committee. He is his own chairman, however, and evidence is not to be taken, and......
Annexed Is A Comparison Of Yesterday's Closing Prices Of The
leading Foreign Securities with those of Friday week :— Friday, April 8. Friday, April 15. Greek •• .. 241 .. 25 Do. Coupons .. II Mexican.. .. 111 .. 45 47 Spanish Passive •......
The Medical Ladies Prosper In America. We Are Told That
Miss Mary C. Walker, M.D., has arrived at Chattanooga, on the medical staff of the Northern army, with orders to report. She is appointed to General McCook's brigade, and is......
Sir Charles Wood Also Has Been Compelled To Give Way
in the matter of the claims of the Indian Army. Their grievance is this:— One-half of them have since the amalgamation been remarkably well provided for, but about 1,500 have......
The Relative Claims Of Sugar And Malt To A Remission
of taxation were brought up by Colonel Barttelot in a motion demanding a suspension of the budget till the malt duty could be discussed. The motion was lost, of course, by a......
A Committee Of Congress Is, It Is Said, About To
report favour- ably on a bill admitting the heath of various departments to seats in the Houses of Congress, and giving them a right to speak on any subject connected with their......
The European Cattle Importing Company Is Announced, With...
of 50,000t, in 10,000 shares of 51. each. It proposes to employ practical men to purchase stock in the leading grazing dis- tricts of Continental Europe, and by establishing a......
On Saturday Last, Consols Left Off At 914, T, For
money ; and 914, 92 for account. Yesterday the closing quotations were :- For money, 914, 4 ; for account, 914, 4.......