16 APRIL 1887, page 1

News Of The Week.

MHE editor of the North-Eastern Daily Gazette (Middles- -1- brough) publishes a letter from Mr. Gladstone strongly advising the mining population of the North to raise its voice......

• •.• The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In

any case.......

The Home-rulers Of London On Monday Made A Great "

demon - stration " again st the Crimes Bill through a mass meeting in Hyde Park. It was fully assembled at 4 o ' clock, and the crowd was large, and in most places orderly, but......

Mr. Chamberlain Addressed A Crowded Meeting Of The...

the Scottish National Radical Union in the Town Hall at Ayr, on Wednesday, in a speech of very great ability, in which he sketched the present condition of the Irish Question......

A Third Attempt To Murder The Czar Has Been Reported,

the criminals this time being a man and a woman, who were arrested at the corner of a street which the Czar was to pass, with bombs concealed in their plaids. The Czar was......