16 APRIL 1887, page 22

Faith And Reason. A Lecture Given At Nottingham, In Presence

of the Bishop, on the occasion of the Annual Reunion of the Congre- gations of the Diooeee. By the Rev. Bernard Vaughaa, 52. (Burns and Oates.)—This is a very eloquent lecture,......

Current Literature.

There could not well be a better sign of the times, from the social, or perhaps even from the ethicereligions point of view, than the success of those of the monthly magazines......

Elizabeth's Fortune. By Bertha Thomas. 3 Vols. (horst And...

is a particularly lively and well-written story. "Elizabeth" is introduced to us as an orange-seller, and we watch her rise in life with an unflagging interest. First she is a......


Tin two remarkable novels with which the name of Edna Lyall is associated have invested her career as a novelist with unusual interest. She stands apart from the crowd by reason......