A Young Heart Of Oak : Memories Of Harry Stuart
Boldero, Lieutenant E.N. With a Preface by the Very Rev. H. D. M. Spence, D.D., Dean of Gloucester. (Hodder and Stoughton.)— There is an objection, far from nnreasonable in most......
The Poems And Plays Of Oliver Goldsmith. Edited By Austin
Dobson. With Frontispiece by Herbert Renton. (Dent and Co.) —It is fitting that Mr. Dobson, who has, perhaps, written the best Life of Goldsmith in the language, should edit his......
Current Literature.
Children's Stories in English Literature : from Shakespeare to Tennyson. By Henrietta C. Wright. (Fisher Unwin.)—If these brightly written pages give youthful readers some taste......
Brighter South Africa ; Or, Life At The Cape And
Natal. By J. Ewing Ritchie. With Map. (Fisher Ifnwin.)—Mr. Ritchie's new volume would seem to be written in praise of Sir Donald Currie and his line of steamers, and the map......
A Great Scottish Schoolman.*
THE fact that only now the chief work of the last but not the least of Scottish Schoolmen has been carefully translated and adequately edited and published—although only by a......