' The First Great Secession Has Occurred In Brazil, And
in a rather unlikely quarter. The people of Matto Grosso, the vast province which occupies the whole interior towards Bolivia, have declared themselves independent, proclaiming......
Alarm Appears To Increase In China. The Statesmen Of Pekin
have detected the want of unity among the European Powers, and are setting them at defiance. The Ambassadors have recen,tly demanded to be received within the Palace itself; but......
The Diet Of Lower Austria Intends To Adopt In Future
a system of poor-relief closely akin to that in use in England. The country is divided into districts like our anions, and paupers will have a right either to temporary or......
Lord Spencer, Speaking At Hyde, In Cheshire, On Wednes- Day,
declared so strongly that the Liberal Party are absolutely committed to dealing first of all with Home-110in Ireland, that we hardly think he could retain office in a‘Government......
Sir Michael Hicks-beach, The President Of The Board Of...
made an interesting speech at the annual dinner of the Bristol Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday. He said that in spite of the impending Dissolution, the members of the House of......
The French Government Is Greatly Perplexed By Its...
Dahomey and "the Soudan," by which is intended the back territory of Senegal. Its agents have been defeated there, and the King of Dahomey has been attacking its trading......
The Anti-parnellites Do Not Seem To Be Heartily United Even
among themselves. Mr. Dillon has written a letty declining to be chairman of the Board of Directors of the reconstituted Free- man unless he is supported on the Board by Mr.......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent. New Consols (2!) Were On
ThurEday 961.......