16 AUGUST 1968, page 16
New Novels
Summer show BARRY COLE The Girls: Volume I The Girls and Pity for Women Volume II: The Hippogrill and The Lepers Henry de Montherlant (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 42s each) The Gay......
RODNEY ACKLAND No Leading Lady R. C. Sherriff (Gollancz 42s) R. C. Sherriff seems to have an image of R. C. Sherriff, a cherished image, which no one but himself is likely to......
Rayner Heppenstall
Convict's tale The Man from Devil's Island Colin Rickard, (Peter Dawnay 25s) This little book is very oddly put together. Mr Rickards, a journalist who knows the Carib- bean and......