Great Scott!
Sir: Christopher Driver's reply (9 August) to Bill Grundy's article about the Guardian was not very convincing. To say that David Hol- brook 'once' suggested himself for a......
Free Trade Is Not Enough
Sir: AFTA or EEC? That is not the question. The question is: a greater Europe, including Britain, or a little Europe dependent, despite Gaullism, upon American patronage and......
Sir : I Notice That Some Elements Of The Press
tend to appeal to prejudice by reference to the fact that the Ibo are predominantly Christian while the Northern Nigerians are not. Since prejudice is thus to be invoked, should......
Hardy Annual .
Sir: I am surprised a 'sentimental' view (Letters, 9 August) can so sting Mr Seymour- Smith; that our viewpoints differ is obvious, and I still perceive inaccuracies. Mr......
Hail Biafra
Sir: In reply to Mr Waugh (9 August): I. Of course I am aware that hundreds of thousands of Ibos fled their homes. But they did so because they were told by the rebels that......
Sir: I Have Some Difficulty In Understanding The Fuss That
has been caused by the Pope's recent pronouncement. All he has said is that the doc- trine and practice of the Church in contracep- tion remain as they always have been. Non-......
A Cloud Over Christendom
Sir: I must agree with your editorial of 2 August in finding the Bishop of Leeds's defence of the encyclical unconvincing. I sympathise with the Pope's view of artificial birth......