The Dean Of Canterbury
SIR S I was glad to read the letters from Mrs. Mozley and Mr. Tetley under the above heading in your issue of February 9th. Of the self-refuting statements of " fact" in the......
A Register Of Linguists
SIR,—The letter on this subject, from the Minister of Labour, will seem pathetic to many of us. It is the final demonstra- tion of what so many who had special qualifications......
News From Finland
SIR,—Regarding your footnote to the letter under the above heading last week, no one doubts the reliability of the journa- lists in Finland, but it is obvious that they can only......
Sir,—as Organist Of The Cathedral, Whose Organ Is Now, For
the first time since 1886, being renovated, at a cost of £6,000, entirely owing to the generosity of the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral, I was rather disturbed to read Mrs.......
Competition No. 17
SIR, — A few weeks ago you were good enough to publish some verses of mine headed " Evacuees." In them I men- tioned the verminous state of some of our evacuated children and......
Sir,—while Sympathising Profoundly With The View...
in your last issue, I suggest that her decision to cancel her subscription to the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral, and to advise others to do so, is not the right one. The glory......
Competition No. 16
SIR,—My attention has only just been called to the outraged letter from Miss Drew in your issue of January 19th. May 1 just say that (i) Miss Drew seems to be more serious than......
Unpaid Reparations
SIR,—It would be interesting to know by what financial pro- cess Dr. Annandale Troup would suggest that billions of German money might have found their way into the coffers of......
Sir,—mr. Robertson Scott Dismisses The £150,000,000 (an...
the revenue from liquor taxation on the ground that it comes from the public. So does Income Tax. Your readers may like to be told what a plain citizen said in my hearing last......