Pragmatism And Religion. Mei , Tux Nnume Of Miii....
allow me, as one who has taken some part in the interpretation and defence of pragmatism, to add a few remarks to the article which appears under the above title in your issue......
[to Tier Editor Or Tea "sprotator: . ] Sir,--your Readers...
grateful for the able and interest- ing article on "Pragmatism and Religion" which was con- tributed to your last issue, as the subject is being discussed iv. so many circles at......
The Irish Land Question, At Will.
"'Men before cattle.' He might as well cry : 'Men before look back in wonder on the time when it was counted lawful turnips,' "—and and expedient for an individual to retain......
[to Tue Emor Ov Tub "sprotator.1 Sin,—a Paragraph From Mr.
William O'Brien's paper, the Irish People, is reproduced in a letter in last week's Spectator charging the Estates Commissioners with scandalous conduct in their distribution of......