The Lynching Of A Greek In . Constantinople.
LTO, Till EDITOR OF THE " SFECTATOR."] too, have lived the best part of my life in Turkey, but I cannot agree with the conclusion of your corre- spondent ." Interior Resident"......
The Russian Parliament.
[To THE EDITOR OF TUE " SPEC rat TOR." J Sin,—In the last issue of the Spectator, after quoting certain facts from my article which appeared in the last number of the Englislt......
The Head-master Of Eton And The German Schoolboy. [to T
10 EDITOR 07 TIE " SP ROTATOR."' SLE, — One of the horrors of exile is the inability to send a letter to the papers in time, and modern memory is verY short. A German Pr6fessor......
St. Patrick.
[To THE ED . STOR OF THE 0 SPECTAT010 . 1 Sin,—In your kindly notice in the Spectator of November 21st, 1908, of my little book, "Stories of the Irish Saints," you ask : "Was......
11 B. W. T. Stead And The Alleged Spirit Photograph
OF PIET BOTHA. LTO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR." J reply to the question asked by your reviewer in last week's Spectator (p. 63), I may say that the portrait of Piet Botha is......