Dick Temple. By James Greenwood. 3 Vols. (ghetto And...
—Mr. Greenwood is well known to have certain necessary qualifica- tions of the novelist. He has great powers of description, and he is not without imagination. But nevertheless......
My Life, From 1815 To 1849. By Charles Loftus. 2
vols. (Hurst and Blackett).—In a previous work Mr. Loftns gave the world a narra- tive of his adventures by sea. In this he presents himself to us in the character, first, of an......
The Tiber And Its Tributaries. By Strother A. Smith....
—The author thinks, and it would seem, not without good reason, that amidst all the labour so abundantly bestowed on the history, antiquities, and geography of Rome, the Tiber......
The City : An Inquiry. By W. Gilbert. (daidy And
Isbister.)—Mr. Gilbert has a formidable case against the "Great Unreformed Corpora- tions" and the subordinate corporations, the Livery Companies, great and small, which......
The Humiliation Of Christ, In Its Physical, Ethical, And...
Aspects. The Sixth Series of the Cunningham Lectures. By A. B. Bruce, D.D. (T. and T. Clark.)—It is impossible to do justice in a short notice to a book so learned, and we may......
Marriage And Married Life. By Isha. 2 Vols. (remington.)—...
is described as "a novel for girls about to marry." It struck us, as we read it, that it might be turned to a very different use for girls not out of the school-room. If any......