16 JUNE 1877, page 3

• The Religious " Informer " Seems To Be The

chief product of the Public Worship Act. Not only is it clear that in many of the ecclesiastical suits we have had, the aggrieved parishioner hardly existed, and had to be......

We Regret To Notice The Death Of Miss Mary Carpenter,

the sister of Dr. Carpenter, and one of the beat known of English philanthropists. Her special care was reformatory management, to which she had devoted years of disinterested......

Lord Redesdale Drew Attention On Thursday Evening In The...

of Lords to a work called "The Priest in Absolution," printed by a society calling themselves "the Society of the Holy Cross," of which Mr. A. H. Mackonochie is Master, and......

The Committee Of Wesleyans Appointed To Arrange The...

lay representation in Conference have agreed without dis- cussion that the numbers should be esual, 240 laymen and 246 ministers constituting the governing body. It has also......

In Relation To The Scientific Discussion As To The Origin

of life from life or from matter which is not living, Dr. Bastian has naturally taken advantage of Professor Tyndall's change of view as to the dif- ficulty of destroying living......

Professor Monier Williams Publishes In Monday's Times A...

and interesting letter, giving a bird's-eye view of Southern India, from the Nerbudda to Colombo,—its geography, people, creeds, and social condition. We have notioed it at......

A Novel Discussion Was Raised On Monday In The Commons

as to the employment of Secret-service money. Mr. Parnell and several other Irish Members suspected that some of this money was spent in paying spies in Ireland, and wanted to......

Consols Were On Friday 94-94t Ex. Div.
