15 MAY 1947, page 17

Jungle English Stiff,—on May 9th Janus Says, "no Speaker Or

writer is going to use habitually three words when one will express his meaning." Can he have overlooked that most repulsive of all specimens of Jungle English: " in short......

Multiplying Moles The Work Of The More Is Yet More

conspicuous than the nest of the squirrel, but it is not therefore very vulnerable. The trapper must be something of an expert. Some surprising results have followed the attempt......

Lake Foxes

While on the subject of more or less deleterious animals I may be allowed, in spite of its sanctity, to deprecate the fox. On many of the fells of Cumberland and Westmorland the......

Camouflaging Conscription Sir,—apropos Of Janus's Remarks...

for " conscripts," the first peace-time National Service Act was passed in the spring or summer of 1939, and came into operation just before. the outbreak of war. Men called up......

In My Garden

My experience of the effects of frost on the garden suggests that the usually warm south-west has been much the worst sufferer. The reason is that Cornish and Devon gardeners,......

The Crime Wave

There seem to be two creatures that are much on the increase, especially perhaps on the western side of England. They are the magpie and the mole. In parts of Gloucestershire......

Sir,—janus Writes That There Is A Desire, Which He Describes

as reasonable and intelligible, in certain quarters to avoid the use of the word " con- script" for men enrolling under the National Service scheme. Where is the reason and......

Country Life What Gaps—what Serious Gaps, As It Seems To

me—are found in our agricultural organisation, an experience of mine may indicate. Two of my hens died from an undiscovered cause. I at once motored off to the H.Q. of the......

A Panel Of Experts Sir,—janus Comments Scathingly On The...

of the authors of Keep Left that " they know more about business than most successful businessmen, and more about the Army than most successful soldiers." Mr. Mikardo, who wrote......

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Harvard And Wren Snt,—like Janus, I Am Glad That Opposition

to the power station is growing, but I would not have the withers of our American cousins wrung concerning John Harvard. He had no associations with Bankside: the place of his......

Discountenancing The Law

Sta,—It is surely a very remarkable situation when the Government of Great Britain issues an Order—I refer to the ban on " space-heating "- and responsible and highly......

A Threat To Winchelsea

SIR,—May I reply to your correspondent, Mr. J. E. Ray, of Hastings? This district council is as anxious to preserve the amenity of Winchelsea as anyone. The so-called "Friars......