There Can Have Been Few More Uniformly Delightful...
the House of Commons than the dinner given there by Sir Stanley Holmes, the leader of she National Liberals, to the South African cricket team last Monday It was one of those......
New Translations Of The Bible Are Always Of Interest, Though
none since the Revised Version was published in 188r and 1885 has obtained any hold on the public, not even Dr. Moffatt's. It is not very clear whether the proposal which the......
A Spectator's Notebook
AI R. CHURCHILL'S many-sided personality defies assessment. Sometimes in the House of Commons he will bicker across the despatch-box with Mr. Morrison like a corner-boy. A day......
The Search For A Suitable Synonym For " Conscript "
has not proved very fruitful so far ; however, as I never thought it would be, I am not depressed unduly. Meanwhile I have had the spontaneous proffer of a word to meet another......
The Cecil House At The Northern End Of Gower Street,
opened by the Lord Mayor on Tuesday, perpetuates the name, not of the noble family associated with Hatfield, but of Cecil Chesterton, the lesser but by no means undistinguished......
" You Couldn't Hear A Debate Like This In Any
other assembly in the world," a noble Viscount, himself of the highest academic as well as political distinction, said to me as I was listening to the House of Lords debate on......
I Sometimes Publish In October An Extract From The...
Review's list of entrance scholarship winners, with a note on the most successful schools (which in that case are usually Eton and Manchester Grammar). The Oxford Magazine has......
Opposition To The Bankside Project Grows, Or At Any Rate
marshals itself, steadily. The London County Council last Tuesday con- demned it by a vote, which would have been unanimous but for the opposition of the two Communist members......