16 SEPTEMBER 1882, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE week has been historic, being marked by one of the most successful feats of war ever performed. Late on Tues- day night, Sir Garnet Wolseley broke up his camp at Kas-......

Before Six Ou The Morning Of Saturday, Arabi, Having Re-

ceived information that the advanced guard at Kassassin Lock was weak, made an attack in force. He moved out his whole army, opened fire with thirty guns• upon the camp ; and......

Throughout Egypt There Are Signs Of The Oriental Fooling...

the results of battle proclaim the will of Destiny, and that the victor has moral rights. Not only are the Egyptian officers and soldiers everywhere submitting, which might be......

On Tuesday, Therefore, The Stroke Was Struck. The Army The

ordered to march by night to Tel-el-Kebir, and commence h e_attack at daylight. The men rested and slept two hours ha l f way, on the sand-hills, and than at five o'clock, still......

Ten Thousand Men Submitted In Cairo, And 5,000 In Kafr

Dowar. Roubi Pasha, commanding in the latter place, on hear- ing of the capture of Tel-el-Kebir, begged permission to sur- render at discretion, and as an earnest of his......

That Rush Ended The War. Arabi Fled Early To Cairo

by train, arrived there alone, and went to his own house. His men, de- serted and helpless, never attempted to rally, and Sir Garnet kept up a fierce pursuit. The Indian......

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