The Italians Are Unintelligibly Angry With England For...
an expedition to Egypt. Their interests are not interfered with,—are rather promoted, like those of all other civilised States ; but for weeks the Italian Press has been abusing......
The Language Of Foreign Journals Upon British Proceedings...
signify much, as they seldom reflect accurately either governments or peoples. We may, however, record that in all countries, Turkey excepted, admiration has been expressed at......
Sir George Grey, A Whig Administrator Of Mark, Half-...
by this generation, died at Falloden, Northumberland, on the 9th inst. He was through a long life a useful politician, though with no pretension to originality; and in April,......
No Tragedy Would Be Complete Without Its Comic Element, And
this has been supplied at Alexandria. The correspondent of the nines states that up to the 14th inst. the Khedive had been left nearly alone in his Palace at Ras-el-Tin. The......
No Hint Has Yet Been Given Of The Manner In
which the mutinous officers and soldiers of Egypt are to be treated. None of them have been cruelly treated, the two men keel- hauled having been ordinary plunderers, captured......
Throughout Egypt There Are Signs Of The Oriental Fooling...
the results of battle proclaim the will of Destiny, and that the victor has moral rights. Not only are the Egyptian officers and soldiers everywhere submitting, which might be......
The Transport Arrangements Of The Army Seemed For A Time
to be in serious jeopardy, in consequence of the obstinate opposition of the Turkish Government to the embarkation of the mules bought in their provinces. An article in the......
The Disposition To Force On Alterations Of The Law By
obstruct- ing its execution appears to spread even in England. A knot of curates have recently impaired the value of advowsons by violently interrupting their sale by auction,......