Low Life
Poles apart Jeffrey Bernard F or a moment I thought I was going mad. There I was, sitting quietly in the Coach =and Horses minding my own business and having my 11 a.m. gargle,......
Competition Entries
To enable competitors to economise on postage, entries for one or more weeks of the competition and crossword may be posted together under one cover addressed 'Competition......
Co Mp Eti T Ion
No. 1214: Purple on grey Set by Jaspistos: I'm not quite sure whether I know exactly what 'purple prose' is. Please show me by writing some very purple prose (maximum 150 words)......
No. 1211: The Winners
Jaspistos reports: Competitors were asked to incorporate the ten words mentioned below, in the order given, into a plausible piece of prose. For your amusement, the entertaining......