Investors' Abc
BEGINNERS. PLEASE. (Eyre and Spottiswoode for the Investors' Chronicle, 30s.) • QUESTIONS from keen shareholding readers, and answers from the staff of the investors' Chronicle,......
A History...completed
Tim RESTORATION OF CHAitt.ti§ II, 1658-1660. By Godfrey Davies. (0.U.P.; 55s.) IT, is nearly a hundred years since S. R. Gardiner began to write his History of England from the......
King Coal
COAL IS OUR BUSINESS. By Norman Dennis, Fernando Henriques, and Clifford Slaughter. (Eyre and Spottiswoode, 25s.) SoctoLoolcm. studies are not everybody's literary meat, but......
. New Novels.
'His early works,' we read in the introduction to Junichiro Tanizaki's novel, Some Prefer Nettles (Seeker and Warburg, 12s. 6c1.), `were written under the influence less of......