Spectator Crossword No. 875
ACROSS 1 Underground route to the Oval in August perhaps,(4, 4). 5 He was charged not to scorn the sonnet (6). 9 A clean sweep round a northern deity makes for culture (8). 10......
Solution On March 2 Solution To No. 873 On Page
2 31 The winners of Crossword No, 873 are: Dr. H. S. Gerrard, 30 Oflerto il Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport, and Mrs. A. Robinson , 4 HollysliaW Crescent, Whitkirk, Leeds 15,......
Landor Amended
A prize of £5 was offered for an alternative version (not a.. parody) of the first two lines of Landor's famous quatrain I strove with none; for none was worth my strife; Nature......
A Prize Of £5 Is Offered For A Translation Into
English verse of the following (no line limit, but conciseness will score): Ecce auctor magicus, quo non expertior alter delectare animos lion inum risusque movere. nainque......