East India Shipping.
The prevalence of easterly winds keeps out the homeward bound, and we have no arrivals to report this week. Sailed.—From Gravesend, Jan. 13th, Kerswell, Armstrong, and 14th,......
Barrisu CAVALRY.—It is strange, that eager as we are to avail ourselves of foreign fashious in our uniforms and equipments, we so often miss the point of utility. The hussar......
The Universities.
OxpoltD, JANUARY 14. — This day, being the first of Hillary Tettn, env lellbwing degrees were conferred.—Muster of .arts.—The Rev. John Antes La Trobe, St. Ed- mund Hall.......
Literary An Nouncem E Nts.
BOOKS IN THE PRESS, OR PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION, A Third Edition of the Romance of History. By Henry Neele. An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, with explanations in Latin and Engrish t......
British Navy.
SHIPS IN COMMISSION ON THE 1ST JANUARY 1829. 2 of 120 guns I — 104 — 2 — 84 — 1— — 1 — 76 — And 82 smaller vesse s, bombs, steamers, 8:c. 170 in all ; exclusive of hulks,......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Birsvns.—At No.1, Moray-place, Edinburgh, on the 6th inst. the Lady of James , Anstruther, Esq. W.S. of a daughter—On the 30th ult, at the Government-house,. Guernsey, the Lady......