The United States—the Tariff.
GLOBE—There is an excellent article (from the pen, we believe, of Mr. 11‘Culloch) in No. 96 of the Edinburgh Review, on the American Tariff. It is calculated, we hope, to do......
Rationale Of The Game-laws.
MORNING CIIRONICLE—It has never been denied as far as we are aware, that the land and all that is fed on it belong to the nation inhabiting it, and that time right of property......
Connexion Between Religion And Morals,
MORNING CiinoNiciv.--We have more than once alluded to the gross ig- norance of the people of this country of morals. They are left to find out what is right and what is wrong......
Panic Of The Day.
WE foresaw that the public mind, stimulated to the utmost by the press, would run to excess on the subject of murder for dissection ; and now, when a servant tarries five......
Protection Of Dramatic Talent.
TOPICS OF THE DAY. THE Republic of Letters is as little disposed to recognize the laws of Political Economy as the Republic of North America. The jealousy of importation is, we......