17 JUNE 1916, page 11

Letters To The Editor.

AMERICA AND THE WAR. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—Do you care to print still another word of sympathy from America ? The accompanying .verses are offered simply......

America And The Irish Rebellion.

[TO THE EDITOR 07 THY SPECTATOR. " ] Sre,—I have been told that it is no use to write anything to the London papers that savoured of being pro-German, as it would not be......

[to The Editor 07 Try " Spie:tator."1

SIR,—I feel impelled to offer something more than silent appreciation of your editorial comment in the Spectator of May 6th on the punish- ment of the Dublin rebel leaders.......

The Position Of The Roman Catholic Priest In Ireland In

REGARD TO REBELLION. [TO THE EDITOR 07 Till " SPECTATOR."] SM,—I am often asked by English and Scotch friends in correspondence to tell them what is the position of the Roman......