17 JUNE 1916, page 13

Titus, Tita, And Barabbas.

[TO TEE EDITOR Or TER "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—May I cap your correspondent's tale of the Devonshire guider with a more recent example of a bird's virtues ? In a nesting-box in our......

Soldiers And Their Religion.

ITO TEl EDITOR ON TR& " SPECTATOR1 SIE,—I trust that you can spare space for the observations of a country vicar who has been serving as an Army chaplain and desires to lay his......

A Great National Economy.

[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTAT03:1 was very pleased to read in a recent Spectator (p. 648) : " The State should see to it that we have in existence plant by which, if the......

The Celt And The Hun. [to The Editor Os Ter

"Srsoriroa.1 SIB, I think your readers will like to see the enclosed extract from " Not only was their national unity recognized but feebly as a con- necting bond, but the......

1.11eological Colleges And The War.

[TO TEl EDITOR Of TEl " SPECTATOR:1 Stn,—May I be permitted to raise the very important question what is going to be the future of our Theological Colleges in England after the......

Officers' Servants.

[To TER EDITOR OF THE " BPROTATOR.”1 SIR,—I have read in your issue of Juno 3rd a Battery Commander's remarks re " officers' servants," and I fully endorse all ho says. As Mt.......