17 JUNE 1972, page 17
The Transcendence Of Virginia
Stephen Spender Virginia Woolf: A Biography. Vol I, 18821912 Quentin Bell (The Hogarth Press E3) The muse of this biography is Virginia Woolf herself. It is best when it seems,......
Hat , Or Aking Defence Ai Ecisions 7 ,`mastai R Buchan...
of Defence David Owen (Cape t o not easy even after a careful reading iscern any underlying or coherent a b'''s in this book. Certainly it is not i sv (4 4 the politics of......
Making Attack Decisions
Oliver Warner The Great Gamble: Nelson at Copenhagen Dudley Pope (Weidenfeld and Nicolson £4.80) This is far the fullest work ever likely to be written about what Nelson spoke......