Triggering War
From Miss Sarah Gainharn Sir: Mr Cosgrave suffers a sudden drop into provinciality in his review of The Reform of Power by Leonard Beaton in your issue of June 3. I refer to the......
-l 4. Ion Comment Yo°1;!' Note-book (june 3) Pf Spout The...
the , I I. VA" man in 1936, the „„ Wilson Harris: "To ' , 1St a lady whom he ,as unfitted to be Queen '',.: could be accepted as a 4 the Kin g of En g land , stran ge and......
Humane Royalty
Sir: The spontaneously popular reception of the Queen durin g her recent visit to France seems to indicate that a monarchy still remains the most appropriate crown to nationhood......
Cow Parsley
Sir: Possibly Peter Quince (June 3) may be interested to know, that Cow Parsley is called 'The Devil's Oatmeal ' in this part of the world. Anyone who has dusted round a vase of......
Rhetorical Trick
Sir: May I use the letter columns of The Spectator to denounce a fiendish rhetorical trick which I find unbelievably irritatin g and which, I hope, all reasonin g human being s......