17 MAY 1930, page 18

The Romance Of Navigation [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

SIR,—In your issue of March 29th,- which has just reached me, your reviewer writes with reference to the above : " It is odd, by the way, that Captain Whall uses the solecism......

Grace Before Beer

For what this house affords us, Come, praise the brewer most, Who caught into a bottle The barley's gentle ghost ; And may - our praise be sweeter— When we're beneath our......

The Modern Point Of View [to The Editor Of The

SPECTATOR.] Sut,—I am glad to see that one of your readers who signs himself " Twentieth Century," not only lives in this century but is prepared to throw himself into the......

Another County Story [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...

regret having missed the opportunity of con- tributing to your County Story Competition. The County of Durham is rich in good stories. Although too late, the 'following one may......

We Are Glad To Note That Professor - Scott Is To

speak at the fourth annual meeting of the National Homecrofting Association, to be held, at.3.45 next Thursday afternoon, on " Homeciofting and the New Schools." The present......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sia,—it Amuses Me In

a way to come home from Canada and read letters in all kinds of papers re hunting, as if there is a doubt if it less cruel to hunt an animal to death or shoot it. I have worked......