One False Step. By Andrew Stewart. (oliphant, Anderson,...
Stewart's book is a somewhat indifferent per- formance. On the whole, the plot is moderately well contrived. It is not by any means original ; but still, it is worked out with a......
Harry Treverton : His Tramps And Travels. By Himself. Edited
by Lady Broome. (George Rontledge and Sons.)—A young man unexpectedly finds himself stranded, without any money, on the Western coast of Australia. His adventures while......
Joan's Adventures. By Alice Corkran. (blackie And Son.)—...
a most delightful fairy-story. It relates the adventures of the heroine, little Joan, on a voyage to the North Pole. It occurs in a dream, and this, with the charming style and......
A Fight With Distances. By J. J. Anbertin. (kegan Paul,
Trench, and Co.)—Former travels of the writer, both in Mexico and Cape Colony, have already appeared in print. He has thus acquired a certain art in describing them. He is......
Ingwadi Yani. By J. W. Matthews, M.d. (sampson Low And
Co.)—Dr. Matthews began his twenty years' personal experience in 1865, having arrived from England in an emigrant-ship, the medical superintendence of which he had accepted, and......
The Adventures Of A Midshipmite. By Arthur Lee Knight, Late
R.N. (Hatchards.)—Mr. Knight's last work is a good specimen of that kind of literature in the production of which he par- ticularly excels. A life on the sea, with a certain......
Current Literat U Re.
liod,ern Ships of War. By Sir Edward Reed, Rear-Admiral Simpson (U.S.N.), and Jerrold Kelly (Lieutenant, U.S.N.) (Sampson Low and Co.)—To this interesting volume Sir E. Reed......