Old And New Astronomy. By R. A. Proctor. Part I.
(Lon g mans and Co.)—This introduction to astronomy, the first of a series of monthly numbers, is written in the late Mr. Proctor's usual pleasant and instructive style. His......
Essays On Various Subjects. By Cardinal Wiseman. (thomas...
volume we have under eleven heads a number of Cardinal Wiseman's articles, essays, and reviews. Amon g the most notable of them are two letters which contain an elaborate......
Birds In Nature. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. (sampson Low And
Co.)—Mr. Sharpe's knowledge of the form and colour of birds is well shown in this beautiful work. The thirty-nine coloured plates are contributed by Mr. Roberts, the letterpress......
The Gate In Park Lane. By The Hon. Gertrude Boscawen.
(J. Nisbet and Co.)—This tale is very much in the'milk-and-water style,—in other words, feeble. The plot is a mere nothin g , the moral obscure, and the characters of a very......