17 NOVEMBER 2001, page 37

Not Dead Yet

From Mr Victor Black Sir: Andrew Gimson (The Tories are finished', 10 November) is too hasty in writing off the Tories. I have watched British general elections closely since......

Holy Mistaken

From Mr John Pearce Sir: Equating the understanding of reasons for terrorism with finding excuses for the appalling deeds of terrorists is a primitive mistake, which invalidates......

Scripture Lessons

From Dr Clare Hornsby Sir: I was so happy to read Katie Grant's piece on martyrdom ('Would you die for your faith?', 10 November). As a Catholic, I share her admiration for the......

Fmd Facts From Lady Emma Tennant Sir: Ian Gardiner, Deputy

director-general of the NFU, says that the main reason the NFU opposed vaccination was that 'no one could give us the assurance that it would actually shorten the epidemic'......

Powell Replies

From Lord Powell of Bayswater Sir: Stephen Glover's article (Media studies. 10 November) makes unsubstantiated insinuations about me. May I put the record straight on some......