17 SEPTEMBER 1898, page 2

The Lengths To Which The Anti-semitic Fury Induced By The

Dreyfus affair is now carried is shown in an article in the Libre Parole of September 9th. M. Edouard Drumont, the famous Jew-baiter, on whom the mantle of the PZ;re Duchesne......

The Shock To The Emperor Of Austria Has Been Very

great, —for this is the third great calamity that has fallen on him. His brother, Maximilian of Mexico, was tried by a Court- Martial and shot ; his only son committed suicide......

It Is Difficult To Find Words Of Indignation Strong Enough

to express oar loathing of this senseless and brutal crime. The murder of a reigning King or of a Prime Minister is explicable enough, but at first sight it seems incredible......

At Geneva On Saturday Last, At About 2 O'clock In

the afternoon, the Empress of Austria was assassinated by an Italian Anarchist of about twenty-five named Luigi Luccheni, the weapon used being a stiletto with a blade so thin......

We Publish In Another Column A Powerful Letter From "a.

V. D." pointing out that it is an imperative necessity that the present Government, if it is to do its duty as guardian of the Union, should give England its fair share of......

We Note With Satisfaction The Issue On Monday Of A.

bulletin in regard to the health of the Prince of Wales, signed by Sir William MacCormac and Mr. Fripp. It is now eight weeks since the accident occurred, and in that......