Chloe. By Darley Dale. (bliss, Sands, And Co.)—this Is A
"Comedy of Errors." It will not injure the interest of the story if we give the chief motive. Mr. Paul Dursley is a country practitioner, and Mr. Peter Dursley, created Sir......
Over The Open. By W. Phillpotts Williams. (f. V. White
and Co.)—There is plenty of lively dialogue, mostly concerning hounds and horses, in Mr. Williams's tale. The plot is sufficient to start the story, which depends a great deal......
Scenes From Military Life. By Richard Penny. (digby,...
Co.)—This is a volume of good stories, varying, of course, in quality and interest, but with an unmistakable ring of sincerity about them, the genuine work of one who knows what......
The Actual Identity Of The Highwayman Being Unsuspected...
last. The detective work is of an inferior order, not such as we associate with Fergus Hume's pen. On the other hand, the lite rary qualities of the story are superior to some......
Half-text History. By Ascott R. Hope. (a. And C. Black.)—
These "Chronicles of School Life" are, as we should expect of what Mr. Ascott Hope writes, the "real thing." Schoolboys and their doings are a frequent subject of fiction, often......