Parliament Has Accomplished Little This Week, The Land-...
which is its serious business, being impeded as often as the Radicals can manage by amendments or irrelevant discussions. Mr. M'Carthy tried on Friday week to move the......
The Death Of Mr. Tapling, Conservative M.p. For The South
or Harborough Division of Leicestershire, promises another contest. Mr. Tapling gained the seat by 1,138 in 1886, on a poll of over 10,000 ; but as on that occasion a......
No Fresh Intelligence Has Been Received From Muneepore...
week, and the attacking force from the Burmese side has not yet left Tammu, whither Lieutenant Grant with his men has retreated from Thobal in safety. It was not expected that......
• Ne The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......
Notice To Advertisers.
With the " SPECTATOR" of So turdav, April 25th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the ()Weide pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements, To secure......
News Of The Week.
P RINCE BISMARCK has allowed himself to be nominated a candidate for a seat in the Reichstag, the district selected being Geestemiinde, in Hanover. The result in the ballot of......
Quite A Crop Of By-elections Are Impending. There Is A
vacancy for the City. As the General Election is probably close at hand, and certainly very near, and as the Gladstonians would have exceedingly little chance of gaining the......