We Publish One Or Two Letters On The Proposed Clergy
Disci- pline Bill, which show that a certain section of the Church feel very keenly indeed about reserving to a truly ecclesiastical authority the ultimate legal right of......
We Much Regret To Record The Resignation Of The Bishop
of Truro (Dr. Wilkinson), on the score of health. And yet in a sense be sets a noble example by resigning duties which he feels that for a certain interval of time, which may......
The House Of Commons On Friday Week Passed, By Only
160 to 130, a vote which, if it were obeyed, would temporarily reduce the Indian Government to bankruptcy. Sir J. Pease, on going into Supply, moved a resolution declaring that......
Sir G. Trevelyan Made A Speech To The East Finsbury
Liberal and Radical Association in the Clerkenwell Road on Wednes- day, in which he, sharply attacked the Irish Tories for voting for Mr. Parnell's candidate in North Sligo,......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent. New Consols (2:1) Were On
Friday 96i to 961.......
Some Further Correspondence Has Taken Place Between Rome...
upon the subject of the lynchings at New Orleans. The Government of Italy declares that it asks "nothing beyond the prompt institution of judicial pro- ceedings through the......
The Hibbert Lecturer For This Year, Count Goblet...
of the History of Religions in the University of Brussels, who lectures in French, is not very fortunate in the reports of his lectures, which are so brief and general as to......
There Was A Debate On Wednesday On Mr. Lea's Intoxicating
Liquors (Ireland) Bill, in which, for a wonder, Sir G. Trevelyan and Mr. Balfour were both found on the same side as sup- porters of the Bill, which closes public-houses on......