Swedenb Org.
Fro THE EDTrOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 Srst,—Your depreciatory reference in last week's Spectator to the beliefs of the New Church (Swedenborgian) as "Gnostic- like......
Vandalism In The New Forest.
LTO TER EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."' SIR,—The New Forest is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and valued of our national possessions. Every one who has visited it knows that......
The Life Of Lord Goschen.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "EPECTLTOR."1 Snt,—The Hon. Arthur Elliot, having been requested to write the Life of the late Lord Goschen, would be greatly obliged to any of Lord......
Dear Mn.
The spectacle of the well-to-do in this country Preaching thrift to the working man is often rather a • These letters, under the title of "The Problems and Perna of Socialism,"......