The Wolf. By .t. Et Buckrose. (hutchinson And Co. 6a.)—
The "wolf" of the title stands as a symbol of the feeling of quo vadis P which overcomes all human beings every now and then, and which takes this form for one of the principal......
CROSSRIGGS.* WHETHER they write separately or in partnership; the work of Miss Mary and Miss Jane Findlater is always welcome. (The collaboration of sisters, we may note in......
Lady Jane Grey.* Miss Taylor Is Well Known As A
fair and conscientious writer, and this new book will justly add to her reputation. It was inevitable, perhaps, that the tragedy of the tan days' Queen should hang over these......
Nature And God.* We Wish That It Were Possible To
devote more space than we have at our command to this remarkable book, which combines a depth of philosophic thought and religious feeling with a lucidity and felicity of style......