Subsidising The Arts
Sir: J. W. M. Thompson's 'Spectator's notebook' (4 April) refers to a complaint that 'the Arts Council's 'list of "bursaries" includes one of £500 to an American, living in......
The Rules Of The Game
Sir : I am grateful to Mr L. E. Weidberg for his complimentary remarks (Letters, 11 April) concerning my articles on communist affairs, but I cannot agree that Arthur Koestler's......
When Is A Nation Not A Nation?
Sir: I gather from the address at the bottom of Mr Horton's passionate letter (11 April) from the University of lbadan, that he is a teacher in that university. I sincerely hope......
Abortion Boom
Sir: Marie Vaughan (Letters, 28 March) and R. J. Aspinall (Letters, 4 April) think that most women will prefer, given the choice, to get an abortion from a qualified doctor......
Too Much Politics...
Sir: Nigel Lawson's headline Too much politics, not enough sex' (11 April) marks a change in SPECTATOR policy as welcome as it is overdue. Mr Auberon Waugh's candid reportage......
Sir : Your Correspondent Robin Hortoil (letters, 11...
be a serious anthropolo- gist: his work on the Kalahari, a minority tribe of the old Eastern Region, would entitle him to that nomenclature. But he is certainly no......