With Malice Toward None
LETTERS From Professor Scott M. Cutlip, Cedric Foster. George Edinger, Max Nottingham, Sir Denis Brogan, Geoffrey Birch, Charlton Mackrell, Tibor Szarnuely. Eric W. White,......
Budget Bruises
PORTFOLIO JOHN BULL The Budget has left some bruises on my two portfolios. Every company in my list is affected by the two-and-a-half-point rise in cor- poration tax to 45 per......
Sir: Assuming The Recent Speculation In Your Columns (4...
about God being a Tory is correct, might I suggest that Christ was not 'sent,' he left home because -of parental in- ccmpatibility.......
Sir: I Have Been A Devotee Of Sir Denis Brogan's
work for many years. In his comment (4 April) on the late General Eisenhower he has done what no American writer could have done. Here in America we will have to wait for......
When Is A Nation Not A Nation?
Sir: I gather from the address at the bottom of Mr Horton's passionate letter (11 April) from the University of lbadan, that he is a teacher in that university. I sincerely hope......
Is God A Tory ?
Sir: Since Patrick Cosgrave asserts (4 April) that those who seek any revival of Christianity in 'political dimension' (I rather thought the Founder had said his kingdom was not......