18 FEBRUARY 1922, page 1

The Army, The Committee Declared, Could Be Cut Down By

50,000 men without reducing the forces employed abroad. Overseas garrisons might consist of half-a-battalion apiece, instead of a battalion, as the fire-power of infantry was......

The First And Second Interim Reports Of The Committee On

National Expenditure, of which Sir Eric Geddes is chairman, were published on Friday, February 10th. The Committee had been asked to secure a reduction of £100,000,000, apart......

The Committee Dealt At Street Length And In Much Detail

with the Forces of the Crown, basing its recommendations on the theory that there would be no great war for the next ten years, and on the belief that improved weapons could......

News Of The Week

• M UCH the most important event of the week in English affairs has been the publication of the Geddes Report on national economy. We have dealt at length elsewhere with the......

In Dealing With The Ministry Of Health, The Committee Recog-

nised Sir Alfred Mond's efforts to curtail the lavish expenditure of his predecessor, Dr. Addison, on housing schemes. The State was, however, committed to an annual charge of......

The Committee Emphasized The Fact That Education, Which...

in the year before the War, was to cost the tax- payer £59,300,000 next year, and that the total cost, in rates and taxes, would be £103,000,000. The percentage grant system......

To Our Readers.

Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly through the abolition of the Sunday post or other causes should become yearly subscribers,......