"canada And The World" Sir,—owing To A Printer's Error One
of the sentences in my article on "Canada and the World" in your last issue went somewhat astray. As printed it read, "An increasing inhibition, in Ottawa and elsewhere, against......
Mr. Bernard Shaw And Surtax Sir,—i Hardly Think That...
in his remarks in your issue of February 4th on Mr. Shaw's letter to The Times (evidently written with his tongue in his cheek), is quite fair, because he only states half the......
Sir,—in His Very Interesting Article On Canada On P. 118
of your issue of February 11th Mr. Basil Wright tells of "a world which is busily revising all its map-projections to meet new facts of global strategy." He then says "Canada......
The Profit Motive
SIR, —In his review of my book, Can We Afford Ix? Mr. Alan Phillip, badly misrepresents my views on the relation between ethics and business. He charges me with maintaining "the......
Country. Life
AN altogether surprising popularity is being extended to the Agricultural Brains Trusts that are being organised in many county towns. The sessions are amusing as well as......