18 FEBRUARY 1944, page 2

The Miners' Wages

The real question under consideration when Major Lloyd George met the mine-workers and then the mine-owners on Wednesday was to what extent should the nation—that is to say, the......

Lord Woolton And Reconstruction

In his speech in the House of Lords on Tuesday Lord Woolton was in effect answering some of the questions which were put in the Commons debate last week, ,though he did not......

Improvement In Greece

One piece of good news from the " still-vex'd " Balkans is that the rival sections of Greek irregulars in Greece have ended their differences and arc uniting to fight the......

M.p.s Employed Abroad

Last week a second reading was given to the Bill which extends for another year the Act enabling M.P.s to retain their seats while serving in certain offices abroad. There was......

America And World Economy

The report entitled "The United States in the World Economy, - published by the United States Department of Commerce and re- printed in this country by the Stationery Office, is......

Historic Buildings And War

The debate initiated in the House of Lords on Wednesday by Archbishop Lord Lang on the bombing of historic buildings led. and could lead, nowhere. It is a misfortune that war......