JUNE IN RHODESIA. WINTER! And the torn banana branches Rustle, rustle, in the dusty wind, While the veld-fire ever upward launches Tongues of flame that leave a blackened earth......
The Conscription Proposals. To Tel Editor Qp The...
I know perfectly well how futile it is to try to convince an editor that anything which has appeared in his paper is untrue, incorrect, or indiscreet, I feel I cannot pass over......
The King's Commission And The King's English.
(TO THE EDITOIt OP TSB "SPECTATOR.") $iu,—Lord Kitchener's recent Army Order placing the services of the regimental schoolmaster at the disposal of officers in order that they......
M Usic.
AMERICAN MUSICAL CRITICISM. THE debt of modern music to America, though it may be hard to set down in terms of solid achievement, is none the less worthy of recognition. She has......
A Correction.
rro THE EDITOE Or THE " SPECTINTOR.1 Sire,—In the communication from myself which you printed on May 21st, the quotation from Dr. William Everett is misstated. His dictum is......