The Life Of Lope De Vega. By Hugo Albert Rennert.
(R. Brimley Johnson. 12s. 64. net.)—We cannot praise too highly the industry with which Professor Rennert has collected and arranged all that could be discovered about the life......
Fifty Years Of An Actor's Life. By John Coleman. 2
vols. (Hutchinson and Co. 24s. net.)—These two volumes would have been the better for a severe editing. Compression was greatly . needed; everything in any way worth recording......
.make Of It. If . We Were To Keep It
at hand for, say,. flue years, dipping into it from time to time, it might be possible to give a fair opinion. We certainly found the first part more amusing than the last. Was......
The Cult Of The Chafing Dish. By Frank Schloesser. (gay
and Bird. 5s.)—The present 'writer cannot pretend to pronounce an authoritative opinion on this book. That he could do only after long experiment, which he might not survive.......
Napoleon : A Short Biography. By R. M. Johnston. (macmillan
and Co. 6s.)—This is a quite admirable book. In its twe hundred and thirty-eight moderate-sized pages it gives a clear and comprehensive review of Napoleon's career, of his......
Naw Enrrnms.—immortality: Thirty - Five Chapters. By A....
R. Allenson. 6d.)—The Rise of the Dutch Republic, by John Lothrop Motley, 3 vols. (G. Bell and Sons, 6s. net), issued in the "York Library," with Mr. Moncure Conway's......
A Sporting Paradise. By P. St. Michael-podmore, M.a....
Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—It is very good of those who know of "paradises," sporting or other, to share their knowledge with others. Selfish people would keep it to themselves. But here......