Sir: Bruce Anderson, reviewing David Irv- ing's Goebbels (Books, 27 April), asserts that the publication of this book has been `prohibited' in the USA and that this tan......
Drunk Of Tunbridge Wells
Sir: You have recently published two articles dealing with the appealing side of the char- acter of the late Professor Richard Cobb (Arts, 11 May and 'Napoleon bad, Critchley......
Letters Really Rich!
Sir: I am regularly dumbfounded by the chutzpah of those earning more in a day than millions of low-paid workers do in a week, as they patiently explain why Britain cannot......
A Question Of Mood
Sir: British foreign correspondents, in my experience, are on the whole a friendly and supportive bunch — particularly during hard times. I was therefore surprised and concerned......
Sorry, Jeff
Sir: My apologies to Jeffrey Bernard for `bombarding him with unsolicited begging letters' (Low life, 27 April) and my thanks to him for his kind donation to Shelter. Mr Bernard......