19 FEBRUARY 1954, page 13

The Stracheys

A ddington Symonds, but the sister.—Yours f aithfully, FLORA RUSSELL [St. Loe Strachey's mother was, in fact, the second daughter of John Addington Symonds, „ M. D., and sister......

Sir,—having Read With Much Interest The Article A...

I hoped for illuminating comments on this important sub- ject, -but the letters in your correspondence columns seem rather to cloud the issue. In answer to an article dealing......

Letters To The Editor

CRITIC BETWEEN THE LINES SiR,—May I thank Miss Laura Deane for ber delightful and witty letter. With regard to your other correspondents: Anonymous letter-writers are not......

A Psychiatrist's Choice Sir,—having Read Your...

the above heading, I feel myself invaded by an intense regret that Chesterton and Shaw are dead. How their razor-sharp intellects, allied to their grossly unstable brains, would......

Sir,—if Some Psychiatrists Ever Came To Realise The...

for the success of shock treatment, they might themselves receive as great a shock as any they administer to their patients and Dr. Weatherhead would have less cause to worry.......